Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A few weeks ago, I got to perform in Brattleboro, Vermont with the dance company I'm a member of, Eclipse Dance.

I love performing with these people, even when the circumstances are a bit wacky. We performed one piece inside which is pretty normal. The outside performance we did was in an adorable park named Plinky Park.

A park usually invokes grass and trees.

This one was cement. It also has a large planter on the middle of it, which when we tried to move to we saw a bevy of bugs living underneath it. So instead we incorporated the planter as a 7th dancer. Sometimes like is hilarious and ridiculous all at the same time.

We chose to wear shoes. It turned out well and it's now a story to tell.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

How to handle tough days.

Somedays are harder than others. Sometimes you need to put on your big girl panties and become your alter ego.

Meet Francois.
