Sunday, December 15, 2013

Puppy Brother Update 2

So puppy brother (Clancy) has already grown from spastic puppy into a spastic adolescent.

He loves to play all the time, every second that he is awake. He is quite adorable though, my mom put him into obedience school and he did well, except he's a bit (very) social. He definitely fits into our family.

He finally lost his sharp terrible puppy teeth but he still chews everything, and I mean everything. It's almost hilarious how everything in my mom's house is off the ground now. We've also learned that he's taller than our past dogs. My mom learned that after he ate an entire box of meringue cookies.

This picture of him sleeping got me into trouble. Turns out he's not allowed on the couch. I found that out when I showed her how cute he is sleeping. The day before Thanksgiving I go to her house and cook while she's at work so she doesn't have to stay up all night. She had left me post its (we have a problem with post its in our family) all over the house with rules for Clancy but didn't leave one on the couch. Well, now I know. Now he's probably going to try and get in the couch constantly, I'm glad I could help corrupt him a little bit.

Clancy sharing his toy with me.

Trying to teach him to stay still long enough to take a picture with me.

When I had to leave he brought all of his toys to the door, I assume to try and bribe me to stay and play. I do adore him.


Sunday, December 8, 2013

The day I got my badass back.

This summer I went to see Dropkick Murphy's at a beautiful venue called Mt. Park.

It's an absolutely stunning place. Huge field, sky forever, and it fits so many people. I've never seen Dropkick as the headliner before (I've seen them at warped tour several times, and even got a picture with Ken Casey once, he was the nicest guy.). Anyway, we got there early and wandered a bit. This is the boy with a giant rock.

Them we found a seat on the hill near the stage because I was nervous about being on the floor during the show ( I had a performance in Boston the next day and didn't want to explain to my company director that I had hurt myself the night before). So boy graciously sat in the field with be during the opening band.

The crowd slowly filling up.

Waiting, I have a thing for taking pictures if my feet.

Still waiting.

Then boy started to get antsy and I knew he wanted to go in the floor but he wouldn't go without me, so off we went.
Now I haven't been in a mosh put in years and I was definitely nervous but I figured, you only live once.
We got really close to the stage, I mean really close, like second row. While waiting I took a photo of behind me. No end to the people behind me, thank god I'm not claustrophobic.

Since I talk to anyone around me I made friends with the people around us which made me feel safer. I also have to say that the security was the best I've ever seen at a show. If someone wanted out, they pulled them. When someone got out if control they subdued them, it was beyond fantastic.

Dropkick is an amazing band live and I highly suggest that if you ever get the chance to see them, go.

I had a few yikes moments, I definitely got kicked in the head by a boot and my feet were covered in bruises the next day, but it was worth it. What I forgot that Dropkick does, is during the encore they let the ladies onstage. I didn't remember this until the nice guys in front if me turned and asked me if I wanted up. So these next few pictures are taken from the stage.

We sang, we danced, we hopped around. At one point I ran into an acquaintance and she hugged me and asked "can you believe our lives right now?" I could not.

They were even nice enough to take pictures afterwards, but I had wandered off to try and find the boy. I felt like I could have lifted the mountain at that moment I was so excited. So that was the night I got my badass back.
