Sunday, December 2, 2012

in need of a tripod.

I need to find a tripod to start taking outfit pictures. by outfit pictures, I mean full outfit pictures, not part of my legs or me with my camera taking a picture from above. I enjoy my outfits, now I just need to capture them full length.
see what I mean?

my most recent outfit pics.

dear myself,
figure it out.

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

date night

I love spending time with the boy. we went and saw Wreck it Ralph

It was way better than I thought it was going to be, funny and sweet.

then we adventured off to dinner before heading home.

it's hard for us to take normal pictures. I also forgot to take a full in picture if my outfit but here's a last minute at home shot, kind of.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Work days

I have to say, that even though I work in an office setting, it's never boring. Mostly because that office is in a theme park. So I get the normal office work/stress, but then as I'm pulling my hair out, and about to scream, a giant character waves at me as it walks by or they bust into the office. or I get to play with a really big kitty after an extremely long day of work...

His name is Rah and we're in love, he clearly wants to come home with me if it wasn't illegal.

Best reward ever.

Day off Adventures

Another day off with the boy well spent. We went into town for comics and coffee. Then we went to lunch at the fantastic captain jacks roadside shack. If you're ever in Easthampton, ma I highly recommend stopping by, the food is beyond amazing.

here's a picture of the boys seafood tacos.

I ordered a chicken sandwich with an onion ring and BBQ sauce. I clearly didn't read the sign closely because I got this, but it was amazing.

also, GUS soda ( stands for grown up soda) us amazing and should be tried by all.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day off Adventures

Most days off are spend running errands and catching up on reading. But Sey and I try to take an adventure or at least have a sushi date and spend some time together. We spent our day off a few weeks ago in our annual safety the Big E, which is essentially New England's state fair.

State house row.

There are so many hilarious things to see and enjoy (so much food).

I don't know what this is for.

Maple cream us probably one of the best things ever invented.

I love talking to the cow. Thus year she was telling terrible, terrible milk and cue jokes.

Creepy bee doll in the MA building.

I watch thus every year, it never changes and it's fir kids but Melody Farms Revue hypnotizes me year after year.

It's not a fair without some cows.

The big slide.

The boy waiting for the parade, he was happier than he looks here.

Still waiting for the parade.

Finally the parade!

Coastie, he drives around and talks to people, wicked adorable.

I loved the Beijing acrobats.

Saying goodbye to the mardi gras parade floats.

Good night Big E, see you next year!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Squirrel. Dr Squirrellington to be precise

I thought Seymour was taking a picture of this momentous event.

YouTube Video

I can't wait to tell my dad, he might have more tips and possibly a way for me to hug him next time.

I hope your day was as fun and cute animal filled!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day Off Wandering

Had the day off from work and we had to wake up early to get the oil changed in the car. I love going because they have free coffee in a ton of wacky flavors. So I drink a ton of it and make Seymour generally crazy.

While waiting Seymour even gave me a bitchin' hand tattoo.

Once we escaped with the car all et we went into town for a sushi date and some errands.

Showing off my fancy new tattoo.

Best place for sushi.

Then we went into the used furniture store that just opened in town and after I fell in love with a bunch of furniture that we have no room for I found something I could buy.

A matching set of pink elephant glasses. I'll be back there soon, they have a couch that if the measurements match, I'll be buying. It's a super comfy plaid couch.
I'm off to finish spring cleaning in the apartment to see if I can make that couch ours. Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Star trek

Last night my group of close friends went out to spend time with our friend jon who was visiting from Florida. We ended up at the awesome Ralph's diner in Worcester. Little did we know that it was star trek night. I learned a lot last night about that show and I also realized that in our group my geek-ness is lacking. I think the pictures will say a lot.

Part of my bright outfit.

An amaZing Tom Waits poster at That's Entertainment.

Part of The Adventurer's Club as we gathered.

Hannah finished her cake decorating class and brought us amazing cake.

The drink menu

I don't think there was a better first episode to watch ever. It has everything, space hippies, men in thigh high boots, and young Captain Kirk.

Did you know there was a Star Trek cartoon? I didn't. It was amazing, we kept waiting for Scooby and the gang to show up to help.


A full shot of my outfit.

I love you Ralph's. It's always a different adventure.

A great night with awesome people. Like Star Trek. We are one.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April sunshine

I'm enjoying a free day by wandering around town and

taking a nap, and drinking the best drink ever.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Sorry I haven't posted, I lost my grandmother this past friday, it was unexpected. It's never easy to watch a loved one slip away and I've discovered it's even harder on those of us left behind. i'll remember my sweet grandmother forever knitting, playing bingo and couldn't drink wine without dancing on a table (i never got to witness this i only heard stories.).

Hopefully next week i can finally post all of the pictures i've been taking for the feb challenge. I just have to find my damn camera cord now.